Tax Day Tea Party,New York City (Ap 15,2010)

Update: Scroll down ….Both videos  are now posted (video 2 may still be processing)

One year later and the movement has grown. America is mad-as-hell and clearly is not taking Taxes without Representation lying down.


It’s no surprise to America (just to the police and the MSM)but we could have told them….The Tea Party crowd would be huge. It was much larger than anticipated by the police, for sure..


At first, around 7 PM, the officers attempted to clear the Tea Party activists from the East side of 8th avenue…


They kept insisting the Tea Party had to stay on the West side of 8th.



That didn’t last long, as the crowd was growing fast. They moved some and new people arrived to fill the spots.



The police GAVE UP! There were just too, too many patriots to force on to one side of 8th avenue!


good one...

The media was all there, though more likely just to do their usual interviews of those filing their taxes at the last-minute. (That crowd was stretched up-town and down, directly in front of the post office.)



another good one...


Wonder how much coverage of the rally will be on the news since CNN, ABC, CBS were all on the scene. There were great speeches and great signs…nothing outrageous…just the facts….so….yeah…probably not….





Slide show of the Tea Party Patriots:

[vodpod id=Video.3435237&w=425&h=350&fv=offsite%3Dtrue%26amp%3Blang%3Den-us%26amp%3Bflickr_notracking%3Dtrue%26amp%3Bflickr_target%3D_self%26amp%3Bnsid%3D41423273%40N00%26amp%3BtextV%3D66488%26amp%3Bispro%3D1%26amp%3B%26amp%3Bset_id%3D72157623867111342%26amp%3Bpage_show_back_url%3D%2Fphotos%2F41423273%40N00%2Fsets%2F72157623867111342%2F%26amp%3Bpage_show_url%3D%2Fphotos%2F41423273%40N00%2Fsets%2F72157623867111342%2Fshow%2F%26amp%3BminH%3D100%26amp%3BminW%3D100]

Now…What about the anarchists (of course they were there).



So sweet, was how futile their attempts at disrupting the rally became. They were out numbered. They couldn’t gain access to the Tea Party Rally. Too crowded!



So finally they took their bright Red Acorn flag …


and crossed back to the East side of 8th (attempting to be noticed by the media and those who passed by)



The most offensive sign I came across had one reporter spending way too much time talking to a pretty face for his camera…


most surely…NOT her poster.
(wonder how far she’d get if that was Big Mo)


One guy (in the red hat) yelled, “Sarah Palin is a quitter” over and over


while this double-sided sign was held high:



The Ron Paulites (and others) hung-out at the Post office. The police let them stay on that block…yet they were having a cow because the Tea Partiers were on the East side of 8th…




Slide show of Crashers:

[vodpod id=Video.3435233&w=425&h=350&fv=offsite%3Dtrue%26amp%3Blang%3Den-us%26amp%3Bflickr_notracking%3Dtrue%26amp%3Bflickr_target%3D_self%26amp%3Bnsid%3D41423273%40N00%26amp%3BtextV%3D66488%26amp%3Bispro%3D1%26amp%3B%26amp%3Bset_id%3D72157623742666593%26amp%3Bpage_show_back_url%3D%2Fphotos%2F41423273%40N00%2Fsets%2F72157623742666593%2F%26amp%3Bpage_show_url%3D%2Fphotos%2F41423273%40N00%2Fsets%2F72157623742666593%2Fshow%2F%26amp%3BminH%3D100%26amp%3BminW%3D100]

All in all it was a FABULOUS Tea Party:


Loved this T-shirt ….


Yep, the Anarchists….”Lame and Tame!”


VIDEOS of  “THEM” (The Tea Party Crashers)…video may still be processing…

This is bits of video I caught of the Tea Party crashers (also known as ACORN and Bail Out The People) not being allowed in to the tea party enclosure at 30th and 8th Avenue. The police sent the Crashers back to the the East side of 8th Avenue where our “pretty young thing” held-court with the obscene picture of tea-bagging.  Then headed over to the front of the Main Post Office where long lines of people filing at the last minute, were being entertained by a commuter and the ” Violin Femmes”….only in NY ….

FYI- switched back and forth between my two cameras…trying to get some footage in spit of the night lighting…sometimes I didn’t have the best light…

AND the video of  “US” : Joined up with the Patriots on the East side of 8th avenue (between 31st and 30th st) The police were attempting to clear our side over to the West side (for awhile) and as will be evident later in the video…it was pointless..more and more of the Tea Party Patriots kept showing up!


There’s more….Check out Urban Infidel and Zombie at Pajamas Media. Great pictures and video from both as always ( and mucho thanks to UI for linking TSM with Zombie!)

3 responses to “Tax Day Tea Party,New York City (Ap 15,2010)

  1. Thank you for your coverage. There seems to be a media blackout. I have been on the web for hours this morning trying to find pics of the NYC party. Also, note that the “racist” claims are coming from white people. The fingers on the anti-Tea sign above are WHITE. Such a tired mantra from one who waves a sign and has no black friends.

  2. Thanks for posting your photos and videos! Great job.

  3. Spay and neuter liberals? Don’t they do it themselves?

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